Yesterday was a very busy day for us in Haiti. We packed a whole lot of adventure into one day. We were warned that according to traffic, our plans may change and we definitely experienced the culture, the traffic and the people in a whole new way.
Our first stop was to pick up Feed the Hunger boxes from "the warehouse" where we learned first hand about "Haitian time." After about a two hour wait for Abel to show up with the key, we loaded our truck and two other buses with boxes of meals to deliver to orphanages throughout the week.
After loading the truck, we were off to the Haitian Design Co-op where the founders employ Haitian men and women, teach them a trade and then sell their products. There were three trades the artisans could learn including sewing, jewelry making, and leather crafting. We were able to tour the facilities, eat lunch there as well as shop in their boutique. It was amazing to see their creations and be able to purchase some of the products created there in the co-op.
We jetted off after lunch at the co-op to center of Port-au-Prince to visit the National Museum of Haiti where we spent some time learning about the history of Haiti. The history of Haiti is extremely complicated so it was interesting to learn and visit the monuments. We were able to see the new Supreme Court building that was brand new but yet was unused. I think that in and of itself explains a little bit about the culture and justice system here.
Lastly, we loaded up after a quick shop on the street in the center city and took a very bumpy ride to the FREM orphanage to deliver the meals and spend some time with the children. I think most of the team was exhausted by this point but when we saw the faces of these children. It was pure joy to sit with them as they enjoyed the cookies and juice we brought. We danced, we played and we laughed with these kids that we didn't know their language.
Peace signs all around! |
Flips with Sarah and cuddles with Todd |
So much fun! |
Sweet boys! |
His nickname is Fat Albert - can you tell? |
So sweet! |
This day was an adventure and I know that every single of our team members felt blessed and honored to be able to serve and love on the people in Haiti this week. We are all thankful and blessed that we all get to experience this adventure and opportunity together. Thank you all so much coming on this journey along with us and for supporting us along the way.